569 321 photos of houses and buildings in Russian Federation.

last update 2024/09/17 115

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Saint Petersburg, Kalininsky district, Marshala blyuhera avenue, All houses and buildings №№: 7 к.2, 8 к.1, 9 к.1, 9 к.3, 9 к.2, 11 к.2, 11 к.1, 12 ЛИТ ВО, 12 к.1, 12 к.6, 12 ЛИТ ГК, 12 к.5, 12 ЛИТ Ц, 12 к.4, 12 ЛИТ Д, 12 ЛИТ АП, 12, 12 к.3, 12 ЛИТ ГН, 12 ЛИТ АИ

Category: Dwelling houses, Commercial buildings, Religious buildings, Cultural and entertainment facilities, sports facilities, Educational institutions, Industrial facilities, Sights, New-built houses, Public places, Medical institutions, Scientific institutions, slum dwellings
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